Web Cam #2 Up and Running
Posted by Joe Kriz on March 9, 2006 - 2:42 PM
I have been testing the Web Cam #2 for about a week now. Everything seems to be working fine.
I have added a 1 hour Time Lapse feature for this Cam #2 also on the left sidebar.

The only thing I need to do now is get a longer Firewire cable so I can move the camera in another window and face it more due West toward the Marble Mountains. I may have to change the direction slightly due to the sun during the summer months.

All 3 Cameras are now operational and take photos every 5 minutes during the daylight hours with the exception of the "Office Cam". This camera only updates when I feel like it... or when I'm not sitting in front of the computer... :-)

Scroll down the page to view all 3 Web Cams.