Thread subject: Joe's Weather Cams :: Hwy 3 Road CAM on Forest Mountain

Posted by Joe Kriz on 01/01/06 - 01:31 PM


You are asking the right person as I am the one responsible for starting the "Forest Mountain" web camera.

Back in 1998 when Siskiyou Telephone company started as an Internet Service Provider, I was the Webmaster/Webmanager. I am the one that came up with the idea of adding the webcam to Forest Mountain. I also wanted to add one on top of Denny Point overlooking Scott Valley.

Anyway, there were several problems maintaining the camera on Forest Mountain as there is NO power. We had to use a solar panel and batteries. During the winter when the sun wasn't out very much, the batteries would go dead. Also, long night depleated the batteries. I left the Telephone company in 2000 and about a year after that they decided to shut down the camera.

I wish they would transfer the camera equipment to the top of Denny Point as they already have power up there along with other equipment from the cable company, etc... Call the telephone company and ask them why they can't do this as they already have all of the equipment and expensive camera just sitting there doing nothing.

As it stands right now, I have been the only WebCam is Scott Valley since 1998 that I know of.